Tag: Graphic Designer in UK

Halloween Graphic Design
Logo Design [blog]

5 Spooktacular Halloween-themed Graphic Design Ideas

It’s almost Halloween! Just a few weeks to have one of the biggest festivals, Halloween 2023! So, it is high time to spookify your website and jazz up it with Halloween-themed graphic designs. Embracing a Halloween theme for your website can be a fun and creative way to engage visitors and create a festive atmosphere. Let this blog, drafted by one of the best stationery design services in the UK provide 5 graphic design ideas for websites for this Halloween –

Create Spooky Backgrounds:

To give it a Halloween-themed look, you can replace your website’s background with a Halloween-themed image. However, for that consider haunted houses, eerie forests, a full moon in the night sky, or many more spooky imageries.


Create Pumpkin Graphics:

Pumpkins are one of the most indispensable graphic elements when it comes to giving your website a Halloween-themed look. Therefore, consider using pumpkin illustrations, both traditional and creatively designed ones, to add a Halloween feel to your site. Besides, you can also animate them, like glowing or carving animations.


Go for Creepy Crawlies:

For a quintessential spooky look, incorporate spiders, cobwebs, and other creepy crawlies into your graphic designs. Apart from that, you can have spiders crawling on the edges of the webpage or animate them moving around.


Consider Ghosts and Ghouls:

Add friendly or spooky ghosts and ghouls to your website. However, these elements can be animated to float around, and pop up with a “Boo!” or create a subtle sense of spookiness throughout your entire website.


Put Some Haunted Buttons:

Last but not least, you may replace your regular buttons with Halloween-themed ones. For example, make them look like tombstones, cauldrons, or witches’ hats. Again, do not forget to include hover effects for extra fun.


In the end, it is also important to note that you must keep your Halloween-themed design in line with your brand identity and the expectations of your target audience. No matter, whether you go for a playful or spooky theme, the ultimate goal is to create an engaging and memorable experience for your website visitors for this Halloween. So, when it comes to revamping your website with your Halloween-themed graphic designs, rely on the professionals only.

Get in touch with the experts at GB Logo Design, the highest-rated Festive Greeting Design agency for the best graphic and stationery design services in the UK.

Also Read – 10 Famous Brand Revamped For Halloween Season

Logo Design Company UK
Logo Design [blog]

Ever wondered the significance of colours in a logo design?

When we were children, colours used to be our best friends. Have you ever wondered how important colour psychology is when it comes to logo designs? The colour palette for your logo design depends on various factors. When you are getting a professional logo design, you need to have a thorough discussion with the respected graphic designer regarding the logo’s theme and colours.


At GB Logo Designs UK, the graphic designers pay special attention to the client’s requirements and preferences so that the end product matches with the client’s satisfaction. We decide the logo’s colour, theme, design, letters, symbols with respect to the client’s business personality and target audience. There are certain reasons for a specific colour choice in a logo design. Our brain reacts to each colour in different ways.


Before getting your logo design, you need to know the significance of each colour so that you can convey the same to your graphic designer. Let’s learn what different colours in a logo design means.



Love, Sensuality, Boldness, Romance, Hunger, Excitement, Attraction, Power, and Energy.

Suitable for brands who deal in products and services related to food, health, beauty, and entertainment.


Nature, Health, Tranquility, Freshness, and Abundance.

Suitable for brands who follow the mantra of organic and eco-friendliness.


Femininity, Innocence, Loveliness, Cheerfulness, Beauty, Romance, Sexuality, Love, and Calmness.

Suitable for brands who deal in beauty, fashion, and other feminine products.


Royalty, Mystery, Elegance, Luxury, Wisdom, Dignity, Wealth, Grace, and Mystery.

Suitable for brands who deal in luxury and high-end products and services.


Power, Classiness, Authority, Professionalism, Intelligence, Boldness, Respectability, Sophistication, and Wealth.

Suitable for brands who cater to high-end customers.


Clarity, Optimism, Friendliness, Cheerfulness, Happiness, Innovation, Youthfulness, Positivity, and Brightness.

Suitable for food industries and companies who sell innovative products.


So, did you take your pick from these colours? Still can’t decide what kind of logo design you want? Consult with our professional graphic designer and get a sophisticated and custom logo design for your company! Book your preferred logo design packages from GB Logo Design UK.

Startup Logo Design UK
Logo Design [blog]

Why startups should take their logo designs seriously

Startups are all about uniqueness and new opportunities. Being a startup owner, you would not want to compromise on creativity and imagination, isn’t that correct? Then why compromise on your logo design?


Sadly, many startup owners in the UK do not pay much emphasis on a custom and professional logo design which is not good for their brand in the long run. It’s a misconception that logos are only for well-established brands. Every company, no matter however small or big, requires a unique logo design. There are various reasons why startup founders hesitate to even spend a single pound on their brands’ logo design. Most of them consider it a wastage of money and time which is not true because the brand logo is the company’s public face. Without a brand logo, no company can ever get recognition from its target audience.


Today, GB Logo Designs UK will tell you why as a start-up owner you should make a serious investment on a professional logo design.


So, the brand logo has a huge impact on the company’s image. Let’s discuss the impact with detailed points.

Brand’s Professional Image

Brand’s Professional Image


Your company is still at its infancy, therefore you need a good first impression to acquire more customers or clients. Since a logo is the first thing people notice about any business, a professional brand logo design will boost the image of your startup in unimaginable ways.

Unique Identity

Unique Identity


Your business is still growing and you need a unique identity for your brand. If you have a custom logo design it will separate you from your competitors.

Brand Recognition


As a startup owner, you would want more people to recognize you in the business environment. A good visual brand logo will give make people acknowledge your brand in the business arena.

Brand’s Popularity

Brand’s Popularity


Every brand needs to be popular and startups are no different. Remember, every company started from small with one thing common – one unique and decent brand logo. It is needless to say that a good logo will enhance the popularity of your startup.

Brand Loyalty

Brand Loyalty


Brand loyalty is downright crucial for a startup company. As a startup owner, you have more pressure on building loyalty with your customers. Once you have established that, people would recognize your brand loyalty from the logo design. Initially, it may not happen, but gradually it surely will.


Hence, as a startup owner do not consider getting a custom logo design as an unnecessary expenditure. You may not get instant benefits but trust us in the future it will be worth the investment. To get a professional logo design, consider GB Logo Designs UK. We have various exciting logo design packages that you can easily book online.